Prenatal & Postpartum

Prenatal and Postpartum Services & Rates

***If you would like to receive in-home care for postpartum, please contact us before making an appointment. 

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Prenatal Massage uses specific techniques developed for expecting mothers to help release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, easing the joint pain caused by extra weight and postural imbalance, improved breathing, and relaxation.

Treatments can be done in a side-lying position or on your stomach with the support of a specialized body cushion system. We’ll discuss these and other treatment options in your initial visit.

Postpartum Massage

Postpartum massage is as important and beneficial as massage during pregnancy. Postpartum bodywork helps the new moms adjust to motherhood by offering an opportunity to relax and release some of the stress of childbirth. Benefits of postpartum massage include hormone regulation, reduced swelling, better sleep, and improved breastfeeding. We know how difficult it can be to arrange for childcare, so you are welcome to bring your baby with you to your appointment. For in home postpartum massage please call or text to set up appointment.

Cesarean Scar Massage

C-section scar massage is a helpful way to promote healing and improvement of the look and feel of your scar. Massaging your scar can help ensure that the tissue is moving properly. If you are experiencing numbness, altered-sensation, tightness, low-back/pelvic/groin pain, or have lumpy/hard spots around the scar, this technique can decrease your discomfort. 


60 Minutes - $100

90 Minutes - $130

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